Nov 292011

I AM the Light of the World

Didn’t Jesus shine, that bright beautiful day when I knew He was mine.

That new day the eagles did soar, but my heart was there before.

The Angles did sing when my tears and repentance I did bring.

My sins were washed away on that wonderful awakening day.

My sins now white as snow. I am his forever, this I know.

He knew me when He hung on the tree, now my heart sings, nearer my God to thee.

The Living Word my friend. He will never leave me, even to the end.

Author Ken

November 2011

 Posted by at 10:12 am
Nov 292011

As I gaze at your Creation near and far.

The beauty of a Rose and the twinkling of a Star.

How big is God? Where can He be?

He is not very far, He lives in me.

Your image and likeness you did impart,

but sin did come my way from my birth it did start.

Through your mercy and grace I received a new heart.

The vast universe the end of no one can see.

You made everything — your crowning creation was me.

The King of Glory down from Heaven He came.

He became poor for me. Praise His Name!

Who is this King of Glory you will say?

He is Jesus who says, come to Me. I AM the way.

A Pearl of great price was I.

For my purchase He would have to die.

I have been saved with a new life to live.

I owe Him everything, my life to Him I give.

Author Ken

November 2011


 Posted by at 9:57 am
Nov 262011

A Lost Sheep

A new day I see,

Another walk with Jesus and me.

I have trusted Him as a child,

My soul to keep.

With a smile He says,

You’re my Sheep.

I Love you always,

I watch over you even when you sleep.

I did wander from Him one day,

Far from His care I did stray.

Wolves did surrounded me as my foe,

I was frightened; where could I go.

It was hopeless,

This I did know.

I heard His voice call to me from afar,

Saying, “Fear not, I know where you are”.

Back with my Savior,

Back with my Friend.

Never more to wander,

Never to the end.



Author Ken

November 2011


 Posted by at 4:12 pm
Nov 042011

The Little Ones Who Knew No Sin

We read in God’s Word that faith and salvation comes by hearing. This is true; but what about the millions of babies who have died through various circumstances? Do babies who die go to heaven? What does God’s Word say about this?

When Moses led the Israelites in the Desert, it was the “Little Ones” who God allowed into the Holy Land. (Numbers 14:31) It is my belief that all “Babies” who die go to Heaven. I believe there is an age of accountability; or coming of age as in the Jewish belief.

David’s child by Bathsheba was stricken by God and died as a punishment for David’s grievous sins against the Lord. David was so distraught when the child was dying he would not eat or take a bath. His servants were worried about him to a point that they were afraid to tell him the child had died. When David saw them acting strange he asked them outright: “Is the child dead?”. When they said yes; David immediately went back to his normal living. The servants being perplexed by his actions asked the King; why did you grieve so deeply when the child was dying and now act like nothing happened (paraphrased)?  David answered; “I can’t bring him back, but I will go to him”. David’s Son went to Heaven; David one day will see him again!

We have experienced pain like David had; for God’s own reasons, the Lord took our little boy from the womb. My wife and I experienced a suffering and pain in our Souls that we never knew before. That experience brought us closer together and our daughter was conceived one month later to bring back our joy.

Our hearts go out to all those who have had a loss of a child. We pray that they will find comfort in these writings which proclaim the love and kindness of the Lord — The Prince of Peace – Jesus Christ!

I have written a Poem dedicated to our little boy in Heaven.

To Todd: The Son We Never Knew

It is well with my Soul today.

Not so with that night; now so far away.

Our little boy conceived in Love.

Now with our Heavenly Father above.

I cried out to Him; Lord, you promised, you gave us your Word.

I felt His touch and I knew that He heard.

The Peace that Passes all understanding I did have.

The Balm Of Gilead; my healing Salve.

One day to Heaven we shall go.

Wearing the garments of Salvation; white as snow.

Author Ken

December 2011


 Posted by at 3:20 pm
Nov 042011


Prone to wander;  prone to go, far from my Lord, reaping what I sow, but ah the wondrous Sheppard, my Faithful Friend.

His Rod and Staff remind me; of his care and Love, of no end.

The still waters; green pastures, my Soul at rest, knowing;  that through many trials I have come, not failing the test.

He has called me before my birth; Redeemed me at the Cross, that day on the Earth.

Now I sing a New Song;  a sinner saved by grace.

When He returns;  I will see Him Face to Face!


I always loved that hymn sung by Burl Eves:

O victory in Jesus,
My Savior, forever.
He sought me and bought me
With His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him
And all my love is to Him,
He plunged me to victory,
Beneath the cleansing flood.

Author Ken

November 2011


 Posted by at 11:44 am