Feb 042012

An honorable man, a poem.

A special blessing to Gary, a man I admire, those who strive to get ahead, he would inspire!

A devout man is he, he loves Jesus and I’m glad he loves me.

He is a self-made man and through his giving, we see the Lord living.

His faith is on fire, as words alone he does not desire!

He knows actions are what men see, they show the Light that comes from Thee.

He now walks above the fray; the Lord has shown him the way.

Peace and joy from Jesus he has found, your love for him does abound.

Nothing now can bring him down; his feet are planted on higher ground.

He is my beloved brother given from above; we are God’s family, rooted in love.

And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him (1-John 4:16 KJV).


God bless,


January 2012

 Posted by at 8:44 am
Feb 042012

I saw the Lord today, a poem

I saw the Lord today, in His glory, my heart did sway.

His eyes were shining and Him I did adore, He is altogether lovely,

Every day, I love Him more and more.

Then I realized, in a mirror I did see, it was His image I saw in me.

If you want to see Jesus today, look at those who follow the way.

They are all in one accord; their hearts do follow the Lord.

They deny themselves, not counting the cost.

They are walking with the Lord, the way of the Cross.

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit (2-Corinthians 3:18 NASB)

After Moses came down from the mountain of God with the Commandments written on stone tablets. He had to wear a veil because the glory from the Lord on his face was fading. How beautiful the Lord revealed that the New Testament believers would have that glory that would not fade away. (The Law as Paul wrote, was a schoolmaster to lead you to Christ. It cannot save you, but it will reveal how far away you are from God with your sins. No one can keep the Law, only Jesus the God man did). For the law was given through Moses, but God’s unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ (John 1:17 NLT).



December 2011

 Posted by at 8:42 am
Dec 242011

My Italian Wife, a poem.

Good things they say come small, the wife the Lord gave me, is my all in all.

From a broken family, this man did live, I always envied,

families who had much to give.

With my wife, God gave me a family from above,

I was embraced as a Son, with their love.

Grandma never did tire, cooking all the things our hearts could desire.

My wife is only four foot eleven but she was certainly sent from Heaven.

Beautiful children she bore, for that, I love her even more.

Now I am complete, married to my Italian wife, with lots to eat.

I asked Him for a wife from above the rest, He answered and sent me the very best!

Author, Ken

December 2011

 Posted by at 9:09 am
Dec 172011

I Remember Dad, a poem

I remember my Wife’s Dad.

Not tall in stature, but a big heart he had.

A strong man was he, though meek in mind, In God’s word, those like him you will find.

Little things he did for his peace of mind.

His garden was just fine!

Strong drinks he did decline, all he wanted, was his old Italian wine.

He loved to hear sermons on the radio, through his good works, Jesus did show.

He was not a man of many words and slow to speak.

If you needed advice it was him to seek.

His generosity was great for all to see, he pleased the Lord and you and me.

Gone is he to Heaven above, much missed by those he loved.

He loved his garden, he loved his wine but most of all, he loved Jesus—the vine.

“I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing (John 15:5)

Author Ken
December 2011

 Posted by at 9:43 am
Dec 172011

Forgetting What Lies Behind, a Poem

Sometimes I think of years gone by, forgetting your word oh God, to let them lie.

The Lord knows our minds can be weak; thinking of good times is what we should seek.

Anything uplifting and true, this is His will for you.

Above in the blue sky, the stately Eagles do fly, without effort they do soar.

For you believer, God has much more.

Don’t fret over the bad things that had come your way, they are now behind.

He has forgotten them, they never enter His mind!


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8).


Author Ken

December 2011

 Posted by at 9:40 am
Dec 172011

God is good, a poem. Jesus, the reason for the season.

For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace (Is. 9:6 NASB).

God is good, God is fine.

One day with Him, we will drink the new wine.

Sorrows came our way, some bitterness did grow, but greater Grace was there, I now know.

Jesus the Captain of my Soul, His love and care for me, I did behold.

In our Marriage the winds did blow, the troubles did not hide, the Rock of Ages, in His hands we did abide.

When leaning on Him, our strong arm, anxiety is gone, no cause for alarm.

To this gentile couple did the Jewish Messiah come, through His Mercy and Grace, our hearts He won!

Isaiah said: “A light to the Gentiles” He would be, at Christmas time, this is what we see.

Silent night, behold the light, Word of the Father born tonight.

Born to Israel as the Prophets foretold, the King of Kings, Jesus whose days were from old.

He is the reason for the season and presents are given, only through Him, sins are forgiven.

Author Ken Dec. 2011


 Posted by at 9:38 am
Dec 172011

The Body Of Christ, the Church, a poem.

How I love your word, from the first time I had heard.

We see as in a glass dim, in my brothers and sisters, I see Him.

Through our good works you do shine, the salt of the earth, you do refine.

We are your Bride, the Holy Spirit in us, you did hide.

Some are drawn to us as a moth to a flame, in those you love, there is no blame.

Father, who are we that you love us so? Down to earth did your Holy Son go.

For us He gave all, to redeem us from the Fall.

Beloved, upon my word I have placed my seal, in My coming Glory, my Sons I will reveal.

Jesus with My Sons I will bring, My great Joy over them will cause Me to sing! *


*Zephaniah 3: 17 For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight
in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs” (NLT).

The Hebrew word for “singing” actually means “a ringing cry” with a sense of joy. What a great verse! God sings. Since He is perfect in every way, I will look forward to hearing the beauty of His voice. The Bible tells us that He gave all of His creatures the ability to sing. Job says the angels, who are also called “stars” in Job, can sing (By permission).

My Christmas Gift to God.

Author, Ken
December 2011

 Posted by at 9:34 am
Dec 102011

Our Gift From God, a Poem

This Poem is dedicated to our Son. When it seemed impossible for us to have our first child, my Wife
wept.  Then we prayed to the Lord for help. The Lord heard and the next month our boy was on the way. We dedicated him to Jesus. This poem is what we saw the Lord do for our first Son. ( 1 Samuel 1: 27 ) I asked the Lord to give me this boy and he has granted my request. This was our special scripture for his dedication at the Church.

Your words as a boy surprised us so, the Lord was with you, this we did know.

Your faith was a light, not by power or might.

At eight years old, you were very bold, what amazed us was the things you told.

The things of God’s Spirit you did know and in His grace you did grow.

The Lord blessed you with the love of your life, He gave to you, your Wife.

She is quiet and meek, not too shy, still waters run deep.

They think as one, loving you Father for sending your Son.

Deep trials they do bare, the pain, they do share, knowing they are in your care.

Author Ken

December 9, 2011

 Posted by at 6:33 pm
Dec 102011

Jesus The Man of Sorrows

A man of sorrows was he, much grief he bore, we all can see.

How was I to know? His destiny was to  hang naked on the tree.

It was through his word that I did see, he gave all he had for me.

The shame he did despise. The wicked did not put him there, with their lies.

The Father’s will he did do. His enemies he died for, me and you.

His groans and sighs were heard, from the God man, the living word.

Darkness covered the earth that day. The King of Glory had gone away.

For the joy set before him, the salvation of the lost, he set his face as flint, not caring of the cost.

He told those he loved, back to the Father he would go, in Heaven above.

With the morning sky, the empty tomb, there the grave clothes lie.

In Eve did the deception of Satan first grow, how wonderful it was, to a woman the risen Lord did show.

What a wonderful God we serve, he reveals himself through his word.

He will come again as the Lion of Judah, to Israel from where he did depart.

The Faithful and Amen, back to his chosen people, who broke his heart.

Jesus, Word of the Father, salvation to impart.

Author Ken

December 2011

 Posted by at 6:29 pm
Dec 102011

Casting all Your Care Upon Him, For He Cares For You!

Another prayer I spoke to Him today, I was heavily burdened, with so much to say.

Lord, you promised to help me when I’m weak and it is you I do seek.

The wind is blowing softly and I am still, listening for your voice that will show me your Will.

Blue skies are shinning above, your Spirit overwhelms with your love.

The cares of this world do abound, it is through your Word that I am sound.

Are you worried today, do you despair? Take heart my friend, put yourself in His care.

Your sins He will wash away, this will be your new day!

Jesus will cause you to break out in song, you will sing I’m saved, all day long.

Author Ken

December 2011

 Posted by at 6:19 pm