Nov 202011

The deep things of God

Please note, I do not advise that new believers (Baby Christians) should read what I have written below. They should feed on the “Milk” of the Word.  Deep things of the Word are for Mature Christians who have moved from the milk of the Word to the Strong Meat.

Who is really free?

“Whom the Son has set free;  is free indeed”.  Set free from what? Where is a person before the Lord sets them free? Scripture says they are in Satan’s Kingdom; being held captive to do his will.  Jesus said; “the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

We hear in some Churches that all people have free will (another Sacred Cow) and that God would never violate that; but what does the Word of God say? It says all those who are unsaved are dead in sins and trespasses. They  are in Satan’s Kingdom. They are held captive TO DO HIS WILL!  Does that sound like someone with free will? The  Bible says that they have a fallen nature that loves sin and  hates God.

When Adam sinned he did not die physically but spiritually;  our spirits are the “Candle” of the Lord. We communicate with God in our spirit.  In the  fall; that Candle went out and man became dead to God. Fallen man can do as they will but are  not able to come to God;  nor would they will to. They love their sin more than God.


Who sought after Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?

Who sought after Lasurus even after he died?

Who sought after some fisherman?

Who is it that said He came to save sinners?

Jesus! The Resurrection and the Life Everlasting!

Jesus came to destroy the works of the Devil;  to plunder his Kingdom. To set the Captives free. When Jesus sent them to bring Him a Donkey and it’s Fold they were bound. They represented us, our children  and all those the Lord desires to bring to Himself. We were like those Donkeys, bound and serving another Master (Satan). Like beasts of burden doing his will as the Word declares. Jesus said: “Loose them and bring them to Me”. Here is a deep truth of the Word, the Donkeys who represent the lost, are bound to Satan and set free by  the Lord Jesus. It is He who plunders the strong man’s house. “So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free” (John 8:36 NLT). Only the believer in Jesus has free will, no longer bound and serving Satan!  “We are of  God;  little ones and the whole World lies in the Power of the Evil one” (1 John 5: 19).

Please Note: All my Blogs are based upon God’s infalible Word; my solid Foundation. My interpretations of Scripture are what I believe the Holy Spirit reveals to me that enhances God’s Word. My goal is to have a better understanding of the deeper truths of the Word. I never twist it. With  God’s help, I strive to “Rightly” divide the Word of Truth. Examples of deeper truths are found in my blogs: “Eyes to see” and “David and Mephiboseth”. With the healing of the blind man we find that Jesus prayed twice, why? David and Mephiboseth is a beautiful picture of Jesus and the sinner. Please read them on this site and you will understand how I look at scripture. I read the truth of the Word but also seek the deeper things that glorify God through them. They are the “Hidden Treasures” that only through the Holy Spirit can be revealed.  “But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets” (1-Corinthians 2:10 NLT).


November 2011

 Posted by at 11:43 am

  One Response to “The Deep Things Of God”

  1. Dear Brother Ken,

    I want to thank you very much for teaching the WORD of GOD to us. You are deeply insightful and are helping me mature in Christ. Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17. You have helped me greatly in my spiritual walk, encouraging me in my growing maturity and have revealed deeper understanding of GOD’s WORD.

    GOD has used you to be a blessing to me. I thank GOD for you. You are in my prayers.

    In Christ,

    Brother Gary

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