Nov 262011

David and Mephibosheth

2nd SAMUEL 9: 1-13

A Love Story; Jesus and the Sinner

This is a beautiful account of a lame man who lived in a place called Lodebar (meaning without pasture). The story begins with King David asking: “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” David had a servant of Saul’s household named Ziba appear before him, who told the King of a son of Jonathan named Mephibosheth; he was lame and lived in Lodebar. David sent for Mephibosheth and when he appeared before the King he bowed down to pay him honor. “Don’t be afraid”, David said to him, for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan. I will restore to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul and you will always eat at my table.  Mephibosheth bowed down and said, “What is your servant; that you should notice a dead dog like me?”

I love this story; looking beyond the “Letter” of the Word we see Jesus and His Love revealed to us through King David. I first heard about Mephibosheth in a little Church my Wife and I attended while on vacation. The Pastor was away and his Wife gave the message. When she began reading from 2 Samuel 9: 1-12  , my knuckles were white from squeezing the edge of the Pew, I wasn’t happy (I don’t believe in women preaching or teaching the Word of God as the Apostle Paul explained why 1 Timothy 2:12). As she read the Scriptures the Holy Spirit began to minister to my heart.

The Holy Spirit revealed to me a deeper spiritual meaning. Suddenly I saw it, Mephibosheth was me and every sinner who is called and saved by the Lord.  Before being saved I was lame due to sin and separated from God. In this condition all sinners live in Lodebar, far from the Lord and Pasture (far from rest). David is a “Type” of Christ as he called the lame man to himself.  The Lord Jesus calls us to Himself (for Salvation) and we become the “Adopted” Sons of God, part of His household(where we eat Spiritual Food – “The Bread Of Life–Jesus”). We are joint Heirs with Jesus (1 John 3: 1-2). When the service ended we went to the rear of the Church and everyone was weeping, including me. The Holy Spirit had moved upon the whole congregation using a woman with such a beautiful  love story from the Word of God showing Jesus and His Love for the sinner.  I learned something that day; God is not hindered (when the Word is heard) in seeking His lost Sheep. I also learned to seek the “Deeper” things of God in His Word.  I have come a long way in that regard and will share more of those things another day.


November 2011

 Posted by at 4:14 pm

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