Jul 282012

Our Firefighter nephew John, a poem.

A Battalion Chief is he, it seems like yesterday,

we held him on our knee.

As a new Fireman he went quickly up the ladder,

the difficult tests he took did not matter.

When 911 came he was constantly at the site, searching for his

brothers with all his might.

He is a dedicated man, a servant like Joe his Policeman Dad,

he and his kind are among the best we ever had.

They put their lives on the line every day, true Patriots they are,

It is the American way!

When those Towers did sway, the brave Fireman were on their way.

We will never forget what it cost them on that day.

Through all the hurt and sorrow, we thank God that through His grace,

we can face tomorrow.

America, our great Nation He has blessed for you and me.

The home of the brave, the land of the free. Please dear Lord

continue to protect and bless us we pray on bended knee.

Author Ken

March 2012

 Posted by at 10:48 am

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