Feb 042012

Which do you prefer? The law impossible to keep, or grace a free gift? I had sent this insight of God’s Word to my believing Son and would like to now share it with the readers of gracefaithgift.com. After being saved by Jesus we should not walk in the steps of Moses — The Law.

Hi Son, I woke up this morning and the Lord put in my mind His Law given to Moses and the Jewish people. As said in the Word: The Law came through Moses but GRACE AND TRUTH CAME THROUGH JESUS CHRIST.

Jesus said he didn’t come to break the Law but to fulfill it. God provided the Sacrifices for individual Jews (Like Doves or Cattle), but the annual one for the Sins of the Nation was the killing of a spotless Lamb (which was kept in a certain home as a pet). The blood of the Lamb was taken by the High Priest into the Holy of Hollies where God’s presence was and sprinkled on the Horns of the Alter as a sweet fragrance unto the Lord. We know as Christians this was a temporary way God provided for the forgiveness of sins and the Lamb symbolized Christ’s sacrifice for Sin and His blood shed to complete His work of Salvation. As the Word says: Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of Sins. A Covenant is only sealed when the person who makes it dies! As Jesus said, “Abraham saw my day and was glad”. Job said, “I know my Redeemer Lives and I will see Him in my flesh”. Job also tells us God sits on the Circle of The Earth, thus declaring the Earth being round long before anyone knew it…

As Paul writes in Romans: The Law was not made for a Righteous Man (Those Chosen Of God, are blameless in His sight, being in Christ and declared Righteous in this position) His Righteousness is given to us who died to Sin when He died on the Cross. We are Crucified with Christ but nevertheless we LIVE!

The Purpose of the Law, as Paul states in Romans, was to bring us Gentiles and Jews to Christ! The Law is like a mirror for Sin, the Law shows us how Sinful we are and our inability to keep it. In Romans it says all who live by the Law (Works) will die by the Law. The Law like a mirror shows you you need a shave but is unable to shave you! Jesus came and fulfilled the Law totally which included the Spirit of the Law! Remember when Jesus told the Jews if you have the desire in your mind to commit adultery , you have done it as far as the Law is concerned.  God has said in Isaiah, there is NONE Righteous, no NOT ONE, there is none that understands, there is none that sleekest after God. This is why Christ came, to do for us what we could not do, that is keep the Law. He truly is the GOOD MASTER! The man who Jesus asked: Why do you call Me Good, only God is Good, that man did not know who Jesus was. If he did he would have replied: You are God, and Jesus would have said: “Well Done” Son of Abraham (One having Faith).  Paul says in Romans: To this day, a “Veil” is over the eyes of the Jews when they read the Law. Those who are Chosen will be saved and the rest will be hardened, lost. ( Romans 10: 7-8 ) For Christ is the end of the Law for Righteousness to everyone who Believes!

This is the GLORIOUS REST promised in the Old Testament, we rest from our own works, having the inner Peace with God in the inner man. Who is Perfect, being joined with Christ through the Holy Spirit and  NEVER SINS, read (Romans 7: 1-25) The Glory of God that was in the Holy of Holies and left after Christ died because there was no longer a Sacrifice needed. That Glory is in every Believer but Hidden as Paul writes! This is the fulfillment of God’s promise to dwell in things not made with hands, our Bodies are now the Temple of God! What a wonderful Savior we have in Jesus and His UNSPEAKABLE GIFT of Himself for us.

God said He would dwell with the Gentiles for a season to make Israel Jealous. America is the only Nation that can make Israel jealous and obviously Blessed by God. The day is coming when He will take us home, then Save all Israel and destroy all their enemies! Praise The Lord! Cast All your Care upon Him, for He Cares for You!



 Posted by at 8:54 am

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