May 222013

Do you know if you are going to Heaven?

Or have you been eating of the bread that contains leaven?

Those who eat the bread with leaven die; it comes from those who preach God’s word with a lie.

What is this leaven you may ask, it is a poison that will spoil the whole

loaf as Jesus did say, he alone is the unleavened bread from Heaven by the way!

What the evil Pharisees offered the people that day was a bread with Satan’s leaven to lead them astray; it still exists in some Churches until this day. It is the Law through the commandments of men, not of grace and liberty but of works of man pleasers for all to see. Their condemnation is sure as the Judge of the earth is at the door.

No leaven means to be without sin, what those Pharisees offered could not cleanse from within.

They loved the Law and their own righteousness so all could see, they professed that it is the only way to be justified before thee.

The Law in all its glory and holiness was never meant for us to obey, it is a strict school teacher God gave to us to guide us to Jesus for he is the only way.

Before Christ came, Moses’ laws served as our guardian. Christ came so that we could receive God’s approval by faith. Galatians 3:24 God’s Word.

He alone kept all the Law from A to Z; he did it for you and me!

He is the unleavened one, true bread from above, the sinless Lamb, God

the word, the Son, through him only the battle is won.

Trying to be good will not make you right with God, you need a Jewish lawyer who in your place did trod.

He is the broken unleavened bread who died in your stead, he took your place before our righteous God and Father, in you he now sees Jesus and looks no farther!

*Now you sins are gone forever, white as snow, no longer can he remember them; for far from him did they go!

*He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west Psalm 103:12 NLT.

I remember being at a Passover Seder, I remember that the broken Matzah that was hidden represented Jesus suffering and death on the cross. When it was found there was rejoicing, this represented his resurrection and victory over sin and death. This Seder and what it meant was taught to us by a Jewish believer.

I dedicate this poem to my brother in the Lord Danny Siegel.

Author Ken

May 2013

 Posted by at 7:53 am

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