Feb 042012

A Lady named Rose

I remember Rose, she was an older woman who worked in the Cafeteria at my job many years ago. She was a widow, living with her Son.  The Lord had put her in my path. We became friends and spoke often on the phone. During one of our conversations, she told me that her Son flew in a B-17 during WW 2. She told me he carried the New Testament during the time he served in the War. I was surprised as I knew she was a Jew. This confirmed to me that this was God’s work as I have a special place in my heart for the Jewish people.

I loved Rose’s sense of humor. She told me they didn’t leave their apartment at night as they lived in a high crime area. She taught me a Yiddish word to describe the bad guys, Vilda Chaya, which means, “Wild Animals”.

One day Rose called me to say she could not walk, I told her I would pray that Jesus would heal her and that she should pray too.  Sometime later, Rose called me with a testimony. She said she was praying to Jesus and heard a voice say; “Stand up”, she got up and had the full use of her legs.  God is Good, His Mercy endures forever!

For years Rose would send us Christmas Cards with special notes and Gifts for our Children. That was many years ago, I consider her my Sister in the Lord, she is with Him now.



 Posted by at 8:45 am

  One Response to “A Lady Named Rose”

  1. Thanks Tod.


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